Hide prepend text from [piecal-info]

The [piecal-info] shortcode allows you to output the Start Day & Time, as well as the End Day & Time set for that post in its singular view.

However, if you want to remove the prepend text "Starts On:", "Ends On:", or "Lasts All Day" you can use the code snippet below. Simply add it to your themes functions.php or a code snippet plugin.

add_filter('piecal_info_start_prepend', function( $string ) {
	$string = "";
	return $string;

add_filter('piecal_info_end_prepend', function( $string ) {
	$string = "";
	return $string;

add_filter('piecal_info_lasts_all_day', function( $string ) {
	$string = "";
	return $string;

Not sure where to add the code? Watch this video!

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