Compatibility With Page Builders and Themes

Curious whether Pie Calendar works with your WordPress page builder of choice? Our customers use a variety of page builders and themes, so this article lists known compatibility.

Because Pie Calendar integrated as closely as possible with native WordPress functions and controls, we are confident it will work with almost any page builder or theme without issue, even if it's not listed below.

Fully Compatible

  • Gutenberg and Classic Editor
  • Beaver Builder
  • Elementor
  • GeneratePress
  • Divi

Compatible With Considerations

  • Oxygen Builder
  • Bricks Builder

In Oxygen Builder and Bricks Builder, the [piecal] shortcode won't fully render in the builder, but will render properly on the front-end. This is a known issue, but doesn't affect any other functionality or features of Pie Calendar.

Is your page builder not listed? It very likely works without issue, but if you have additional questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us:

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