Creating a custom view
It's possible to register a new custom view using the piecal_calendar_object_properties hook.
This is a developer level document. We only provide limited support for developer-level features.
add_filter( 'piecal_calendar_object_properties', function( $properties, $eventsArray, $appendOffset ) { $newProp = "views: { listMonthTwoMonths: { type: 'listMonth', duration: { months: 2 } } },"; $properties = [...$properties, $newProp]; return $properties; }, 10, 3 );
Once a new view is registered, you'll need to switch to it at runtime using JavaScript:
var ready = (callback) => { if (document.readyState != "loading") callback(); else document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback); } ready(() => { window.calendar.changeView('listMonthTwoMonths'); });
You may also want to update the title of the Calendar so it doesn't show an incorrect month:'calendarEngine').viewTitle = "Upcoming Events";
Unfortunately, at this time, there's no built-in way to add a custom view to the dropdown list or choose it as the default view via Pie Calendar's shortcode attributes.