Meta Fields

The meta fields available when using Pie Calendar allow you to import posts with Pie Calendar data already applied, create custom functionality, or do creative things like submit posts from the front end that appear on your calendar.

The full list of meta fields is below. Information about each individual meta field is available further down.


_piecal_is_recurring (deprecated)
_piecal_recurring_interval (deprecated)
_piecal_recurring_frequency  (deprecated)
_piecal_recurring_exact_position (deprecated)
_piecal_recurring_end (deprecated)


Enables the "Show on Calendar" toggle in the back-end of your post.

Type: string ("" if unchecked or "1" if checked)


Start date and time are one combined meta field like this: 2010-01-01T14:30:00

End date and time are optional and follow the exact same format.

  • Note the "T" between the date and time.
  • Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Time format is 24 hour (seconds required).


Enables the "All Day" toggle in the back-end of your post.

Type: boolean (0 or 1)

All day events hide the time display on the front-end and in "Week - List View" appear in the top of the calendar.

Pro Meta Fields

All fields from this point on apply to the Pro version of Pie Calendar.


Enables "This Event Repeats" toggle in the back-end of your post.

Type: boolean (0 or 1)

This has been combined into _piecal_rsets


Sets the interval of how often an event repeats.

Type: integer

If the event repeats every three days, use 3 as your integer.

If it repeats every two weeks, use 2 as your integer.

This has been combined into _piecal_rsets


Choose the frequency of your recurrence.

Possible options are:


This has been combined into _piecal_rsets


Enables the "Same Weekday & Position" toggle.

True or false. Only applies to MONTHLY frequency.

This has been combined into _piecal_rsets


Same logic as start and end dates. Dictates when the recurrence should end.

This has been combined into _piecal_rsets


Hex color values for event background /dot color and event text color on the front end calendar.

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