Import a CSV of Events Into Pie Calendar

If you want to import a list of events from an Excel Sheet or Google Sheet, this can be done using 3rd party import plugins such as WP All Import Pro.

You can create a map of your events to match Pie Calendar's meta fields using this guide.

Note: WP All Import Pro is not specifically required, but a tool to import a CSV and map columns to custom fields is required.

Creating the CSV

Below, you'll find a sample CSV with the basic columns you'll need to map your data to Pie Calendar's meta fields.

Each column in the CSV will map to a corresponding meta field.

For example, the column in the csv called Post Title will map to the WordPress post title.

The column called Pie Cal Is Event maps the meta field of _piecal_is_event which has a value of "1".

Start Date Time column holds the date and time in this format: 2024-22-07T9:00:00

See the full list of Pie Calendar meta fields available and their required formats here:

Important Notes

Pay close attention to the format required for each meta field. If the format is not correct, it will be ignored by Pie Calendar.

We are unable to provide support for 3rd party import plugins.

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